User-friendly, simple and fast with light and dark themes
Auto saves preferences
Index spot prices are displayed on all pages.
Automatically scrolls to the ATM strikes and prices
Data updates every seconds in real-time.
We check for OI updates every minute and update them as soon as they are available from NSE, which typically updates OI every three minutes.
Live option chain with 2 seconds update
OI update in 3 minutes.
Sort the strikes in ascending or descending order
OI, OI chng, OI chng %, Vol, IV, Net chng, Net chng %, LTP, Premium, Analysis, Total OI, Total Volume
Displays Future price and Spot price of selected scrip
Greeks and ITM probability
Maxpain & PCR
Analyse OI graph, previous OI, current OI, High OI, Low OI
Single bar representation of 4 values.
Two displays to select according to the user's choice
Strikes can be viewed in ascending or descending order
Data in tabular form
Analyse OI chng, OI change %, Price change
3/6/15/30/60 min time intervals
Analysis - Long build, Short build, Long unwind, Short cover
Plots OI, OI chng, Price of multiple strikes
Straddle chart
Plots Greeks and IV of multiple strikes.
Upto 5 strikes of CE and PE in a single chart
Create your own strategies
Payoff chart
Strategy builder, Payoff chart, Payoff details, and Position details in a single view.
Greeks of total position and IV of each strike
Live P&L of each strike & position
Save strategy in your local machine and in the cloud
Live combined price chart of all selected strike prices in the strategy builder
Analyse all the futures with OI chng, Price chng, Volume chng and the interpretation
2 Views to select
1st view has 3-minute time interval data, divided into simple blocks with a summary of 1-hour data.
Summary of day analysis
2nd view consist of 3/6/15/30/60 mins time intervals
Ascending or descending order choice for the time in 2nd view
Easily identify the top futures of the day
Filter with Top price gainers and losers, Top OI gainers and losers, and Top volume gainers.
Filters Top 5 , 10, 15 Futures
Filter data based on last 5/10/15/30/60 time intervals
Plot straddle and strangle charts
Plot Premium, Call Price, Put Price,
Plot Call IV, Put IV, Combined IV
Displays Call Delta, Put Delta and Position Delta