How to load Order Flow + Market Profile-TPO in NT8 (Settings)?

This FAQ is in continuation of the main Knowledge Base Article >> How to Connect Velocity 2.0 to NinjaTrader 8 ?

First of all you need to download MP-TPO and installed it once. >>  Download NT8 TPO

If you have other Order Flow indicators like Gomi or Bell Order Flow / TPO, the same need to be first downloaded and installed.

Once done, Open NinjaTrader 8 >> 

Go to the Tools >> Options

Various Settings :-

For Market Balance/Order Flow - "Show Tick Reply" can help however, it takes a long time to load the tick replay, especially if you have a lot of Tick data. (Minimum Recommended RAM = 8 GB, minimum Recommended CPU = i5). 

"Record Live Data as Historical" uses a lot of resources of your machine so if you have lesser RAM (must be greater than 16 GB & i7), else this option is not recommended.

For Market Profile - These options are not required to be selected.

Let's Open the TPO chart now.. >  New >> Chart >> NIFTY 01-17 (NIFTY_I)

Below selection for loading Tick data saved, else not required. 

Please keep in mind Tick Replay replays the LTP and only stores the best bid/ask price at the time of the last trade event. You can think of this as the equivalent of the bid/ask price at the time the respective symbol was traded.

Now click on OK and Load the chart ..

For Market Profile (TPO):-

Once you load the chart please go to the indicator settings >> 

Now Apply and check...

So you need to use these settings whenever an indicator needs it, especially for Order Flow & Market Balance TPO/GOMI/BELL TPO indicators in NT8.

Please contact our support for more help !

Happy Trading !

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